[Rule-list] Potential low mem boot disk/installer

Devon devon at tuxfan.homeip.net
Mon Mar 4 02:13:15 EET 2002

Hash: SHA1

On Sunday 03 March 2002 06:24 pm, Martin Stricker wrote:

> I *really* like your idea, especially using rpm2cpio. If the shell
> isn't sufficient a small C program might be better (and most probably
> uses less resources). The only "small" shells I can think of right now
> are sh and csh, both not *really* small.

Erik Troan mentioned the possibilty of using the rpm2cpio option early on 
in our discussions.

I've got the boot disk to the point where I can boot, partition, mke2fs, 
mkswap, mount the partitions, turn on swap, etc.
I can then manually do the rpm2cpio commands, one file at a time.
chroot, run ldconfig on the 'real' root file system, do a pivot_root, 
chroot, and install grub onto the boot record.

The sad part is just how limited the minimal shell is. The following:
for package in $(cat package_list)
is illegal syntax in this shell. 

I need to read in a file list, and pipe each entry to rpm2cpio, which 
then gets piped to cpio. I've generated the file list with the full path 
to the rpm files. (/mnt/cdrom/RedHat/RPMS/$package)

Thoughts anyone?

- -D

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