[Rule-list] Re: Swap Brainstorm

Scott Hallock scott at hallocks.net
Wed Feb 27 15:29:44 EET 2002

> > Here's what I was envisioning:  Write a small C program that ...
> Have it written yet? :) 

Much of the early feedback to the idea seemed negative, so I hadn't really
looked.  If there's interest, I can certainly look into it.  I was just 
playing util-linux, where fdisk and cfdisk come from, last night.

> Seriously though, if we can provide a boot disk 
> that lets the user create the partitions in advance, most of the rest can 
> be handled by the installer.

That's good news.  Our choices here would be FreeDOS or a floppy-based
Linux distribution.  I gather the preference would be a floppy-based Linux
distro?  I've had good luck with Tomsrtbt in the past.


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