[Rule-list] Another 0.7.0 test: reached the limit?

Martin Stricker shugal at gmx.de
Sun Feb 24 23:38:54 EET 2002

After mem=12M went well on friday I tried mem=11M today. While anaconda
was detecting my mouse I did the usual free on VT2:
        total   used   free shared buffers
Mem:     8980   8280    700      0    2448
Swap:       0      0      0
Total:   8980   8280    700
Total memory is exactly 1004 lower than friday with mem=12M (9984).
All steps took slightly longer than friday. Wgen it came to
partitioning, I chose fdisk. 32 minutes after booting it asked me wether
to use /dev/hda (only disk when I test, I suse romovable disk frames).
After that it worked heavily on both CD and disk. 8 hours and 16 minutes
later still nothing had happened and I decided to use this computer for
other tasks (like writing this e-mail). I guess for now we can state it
works with 12 MB of RAM, but not with 11. Anaconda really ran out of
memory: I tried to do a ps on VT2, but even after 7 hours the two
letters didn't appear on the screen. However the box immediately
responded to [Ctrl][Alt][Del] and rebooted.

I guess the GUI for fdisk kills anaconda here. I don't know why it's
present, if I choose fdisk I want fdisk, not some GUI (then I would have
chosen Disk Druid). Bugzilla time, I guess...

Now I'll try using the swap partition from the last successful install
like Devon suggested.

Best regards,
Martin Stricker
Homepage: http://www.martin-stricker.de/
Red Hat Linux for low memory: http://www.freesoftware.fsf.org/rule/
Registered Linux user #210635: http://counter.li.org/

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