[Rule-list] Test of the *real* 0.7.0

Devon devon at tuxfan.homeip.net
Sat Feb 23 04:06:58 EET 2002

Hash: SHA1

On Friday 22 February 2002 07:36 pm, Martin Stricker wrote:
> First I want to thank you, Devon, for fixing this so *fast*! You do a
> really *good* job!

Screwing up so badly was a motivational experience. I wanted it fixed 
quickly. :)

Thanks for testing, I was beginning to think you'd all given up on me 
after last nights screwups. :)

> Renaming the previous attempts to 0.7.0-pre1 and 0.7.0-pre2. ;-)

I wouldn't bother saving them. If you open 'anaconda' on the updates 
disk, you'll see the file is filled with garbage. Not sure what I did 
exactly, but it wasn't a 'good thing'.

> So I saw the message and waited the 7 minutes the download needed. Then
> I tied to build the two floppies. I got *lots* of disk errors (did I
> mention I hate floppies? ;-) ) So I finally decided to buy new floppies
> (the first since about 3 or 4 years). Now I *finally* am able to test
> 0.7.0.

I've had no end of difficulties with floppies myself, but I haven't 
bought any in years. It's on my list of things to do tomorrow, though.

> Now for the test:
> linux updates mem=12M worked! Finally, whew! 

Excellent news, glad it installed.

> While partitioning I saw these messages on console 3:
> * Detected 16M of memory
> * Swap attempt of 96M to 192M
> The latter is the autopartition telling the swap size it tried to
> create, but why does it detect 16M of memory when I typed mem=12M? The
> box has 160M memory, 2x16M + 2x64M EDO-RAM.

I've seen it as well. I get various amounts of detected memory depending 
on what I have installed in the machine. It's strange, however, the 
kernel is limited by the mem= on the command line. I don't believe the 
amount detected has any bearing here.

> I think it would help very much if we could get yet another disk, this
> one only partitions the disk with fdisk to create the swap which then
> can be used very soon in the actual install. See the swap thread for
> some ideas.

It's something worth looking into, that's for sure.

> Devon, about you owing me a beer: I owe you a complete crate of beer at
> least for all the wonderful work you did with the installer! 

Would that be a crate of *real* German beer? I used to have a friend at 
the German embassy who always got me good German beer. Sadly, she 
returned to Germany several years ago. I miss the beer. :)

> Another question to Devon: Do you think you can alter pcmcia.img in the
> same way you did boot.img? Then laptop installs would be possible
> (Jason's is waiting...).

I've just posted all of the images:

Other than the boot.img all are completely untested, as I don't have a 
laptop available for testing. Let me know if they work, or what goes 
wrong, please?

My connection was down for a good part of the morning, so if anyone 
couldn't connect, it should be fine now. I'll also be posting incremental 
patches later tonight, so people can see the changes in the order they 
were made. Once those are done, perhaps we can move them into CVS.

- -D

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