[Rule-list] My 2 Eurocent on static apps

Marco Fioretti m.fioretti at inwind.it
Thu Feb 21 11:35:55 EET 2002

On Thu, 21 Feb 2002 01:59:11 +0100
Martin Stricker <shugal at gmx.de> wrote:

>> James wrote:
>> > I think this is where Marco's concept of static rpm builds could
>> > help... why not have those libs uniquely needed by the app that may
>  Most of the time I agree.  However there are cases where a comprimise
> needs to be made.  This is my only point..................
> ....... But Konq configured staticly is lighter than Netscape.  
> It's a trade off and perhaps one best delt with one app at a time. 


personally, when I spoke the first time about statically built
applications, I had exactly Konqueror in mind, for the same reasons
that James mentions. Actually, not Konqueror, but Konq-e, the embedded

I was also thinking more to RAM than disk space, assuming that on a
limited machine nobody will try to start and keep simultaneosly open
20 different programs anyway.

My idea is that if there are several applications already selected,
which are likely to be used often together (email + browser + ??)
and they use the same libs, then shared is obviously the way to go.
In such cases maybe the only needed thing is that if such libraries
are rpm bundled with others not needed, we make a different RPM with
them only (yes, not an elegant solution, dependency wise)

In other cases, where one application can add a lot of functionality
(like konqueror doing both as file manager and modern browser), but
it is normally depending from tons of stuff without any other use,
then it makes sense investigating an RPM of a static executable.

The same applies to Galeon, for example: it would really be
interesting to see what happens after one has extracted from the
mozilla/gnome mountain of code only what Galeon actually needs.

Again, as James said,

> It's a trade off and perhaps one best delt with one app at a time

	Marco Fioretti
	RULE project leader

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but license.
						John Milton

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