[Rule-list] ¿ftp site and want to help with the installation test team?

Will Ganz wganz at texoma.net
Wed Feb 20 09:19:24 EET 2002

> The iso will be at
> http://webpages.charter.net/lmf62/RULE_installer-v0.6.2.iso

Is there an ftp site so that I can set up a Perl script to ftp the ISO image
& burn the CD during 'off hours'?

I am new to the RULE project and would like to contribute by working with
the Installation test team. I have a couple of older PCs that fit the RULE
classification(> 64megs RAM, CD, and 1.n gig HDs) that I would be willing to
sacrifice to do installs on. Presently am a software engineer that does data
munging with Perl. Got DSL & a new Mandrake 8.1 box with a 20XCDW that I
want to use to get&burn the ISO images.

Got a couple of questions about this:

How often do the ISO change? How do I know when to get a new image?  Are
there nightly builds, automated emailed, go look myself, or ????

Who do I give the specifics on my test bed systems?

Are there specific instructions that I need to follow? Is there a specific
FAQ for the test team?

Are there tests that need to be run on a system after an install?



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