[Rule-list] non-x86 hardware - and other distros

James james at opencountry.org
Wed Feb 20 07:02:17 EET 2002

On Wed, 20 Feb 2002 00:25:44 +0100
Martin Stricker <shugal at gmx.de> wrote:

> Quite some time ago I looked into the sources of webmin
> http://www.webmin.com/webmin/ . It was horrible! Not the webmin code,
> it's well done, but all the work they have to do to ensure it working on
> all distros and platforms. And it's "just" a configuration tool, imagine
> what would be necessary for an installer!

  Side note... maybe I'm wrong but at the moment I've got a in house distro that I'm installing with a heavily but quite frankly luckily modified version of anaconda.  IF you have only one disk and you are installing everything on that disk the installer doesn't give a hoot where the rpm's came from (ours has a little RH a little mdk and a little SuSe and a little us) The key is that you have to make sure that the installer has the tools it uses at it's finger tips (Xconfigurator instead of DrakX for example) Other than it's tools it doesn't give a care who's rpm's it's installing or if they will work once installed.  It just installs.  At least... this has been our experience.

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