[Rule-list] RULE and older/custom distros

Scott Hallock scott at hallocks.net
Mon Feb 18 20:31:35 EET 2002

[I'm keeping this off-list for now to avoid starting a distro flame war.]

> Hello,
> I have received personally, or seen in the list and in the several online for
> ums about RULE, a lot of suggestions about full custom
> existing solutions, like 2disk x2win, tinylinux, etc...
> These suggestions belong mainly to two categories:
> 1) Don't waste your time, {product} already exists, just use it.
> (I'll add a list of them to the web site)
> 2) Why don't we don't do  {something} like project X

This probably falls into category 2, but I'll mention it, anyway.  Mandrake
8.2 will support a minimal installation that fits in 65MB of disk space.


Not many details there, but worth a read, anyway, I think.

Who cares?  Well, Mandrake is RPM-based, and still has a number of
similarities to RedHat.  The installer is completely different, and
won't run in less than 32MB of RAM, even on 8.2.  However, simply
looking at the list of packages they choose to install for the
minimal installation might teach us something useful.

Just a data point,


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