[Rule-list] ATTN: Marco

Marco Fioretti linuxdesk at inwind.it
Sun Feb 17 02:07:33 EET 2002


thanks a lot for your offer.

We are not ready for Installfests yet. However, as a LUG coordinator,
you can make a *LOT* to help RULE in this way:

please stress as much as you can, as often as you can, that RULE can
benefit from, and help, all distributions, not just Red Hat. Look on the LJ
forum appended to my article (link from our home page) for my reply
named "THE PROBLEM IS NOT THE DISTRO", it has some details about this.

Other help: encourage all those who have found some way to configure/link/pipe
together known and less known existing programs to do something
otherwise obtainable only with much more bloated SW to submit it to us
(and to the maintainers of those programs, of course)

	Thank you in advance,


Preserve the old, but know the new.

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