[Rule-list] package list

Viorel Anghel vang at lug.ro
Wed Feb 13 18:15:06 EET 2002

Hi all

I'm very interested about RULE project and I want to share some
ideeas/opinions (about package list):

1. i think that it's a good thing to have choices, not too many, but
important ones
	1a. mutt it's ok (in fact i'm using mutt), but i'll put also pine on the
list, seems to be much easier for beginners
	1b. text webbrowser - don't make any random choice and let'em all in
distribution: wget, lynx, links, w3c
	1c. text processing: i suggest adding joe (and aventually jed instead of

2. pppd chat scripts might be ok (slackware's pppconfig), but i think wvdial
it's much easier to use

(more to come ;-)

       <o-o>    Viorel ANGHEL <vang @ lug.ro>
       -"-"-    In Linux We Trust.

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