(2)[Rule-list] THE RULE SITE IS UP!

Marco Fioretti m.fioretti at inwind.it
Wed Feb 13 11:48:57 EET 2002

> Devon,

Forgot something.....

> 2) We should start to distinguish between:

> 	b) Make *our* choice of packages,with comp files and all,
> 	   and that cannot be anything else than a separate ISO image,
> 	   as you did.

..if only because many of the RPMs that we will probably select already
exist and have been proven to be RH compatible, but today one must grab
them all around the Net.

Sticking to the Postfix example: there have already been heated
discussion on the Enigma list about which MTA should be *the* unix
default for third millennium. Of course RH must listen to the majority
of its paying customers, and the simple fact that sendmail, cyrus,
kerberos.... are in the *base* install speaks volumes about this.

So, they are *not* moving sendmail from base just to please us. No
problem, I say::
	we do an alternative ISO,
	test it well, and use it ourselves

If (just for the sake of argument) it eventually differs from current RH
CDs only for 20 MB, and there are twenty MB spare on the official CDs...

why should they refuse to add it some day as another install option?

RH standard base install (sendmail, kerberos and all) would remain
whatever RH market analysts repute better for their stock, but they
could spread the missing RPMs we chose between THEIR two disks, and
add also the "slim desktop" option, or whatever it is. If not, we
wouldn't care, having our ISO anyway...
This is what we wanted, right? Not force everybody to our idea of base,
just be given another option.

Does it make any sense, or should I send for more coffee and pizza?

		Marco Fioretti

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