[Rule-list] Modifying the current anaconda--progress update

Marco Fioretti m.fioretti at inwind.it
Sun Feb 10 17:46:15 EET 2002

On Sat, Feb 09, 2002 22:05:36 at 10:05:36PM -0500, Chuck Moss wrote:
> Agreed, we don't want to create YAD( yet another distro) with this project.
> For me the ideal situation would be to have our tweaks incorporated in
> redhats next installer as an option. (superexpert mode?) were dependencies
> are not checked as part of the install.  Packages are provided as a
> seperate disk/file/kickstart config.

Exactly! let's put together something that:

	1) is separate, fitting ideally in some floppies, worst case
		in a separate CD, but
	2) takes as much as possible from the stock CDs
	3) doesn't rely at all on net connections of any kind
	4) does as much as possible as a "seperate disk/file/kickstart
		config", so it can tweak rc files from standard rpms
		at will (see my other messages about why this is

		Marco Fioretti
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        -- John Naisbitt, Megatrends

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