[Rule-list] schoolforge

Marco Fioretti m.fioretti at inwind.it
Fri Feb 8 11:25:12 EET 2002


I have already started to contact other people working in that area.
That's why they posted us on schoolforge. What is the exact link, anyway?

Specifically, I contacted the editor of opensourceschools.org, and got
the answer below.

We definitely need to interact as much as possible with such projects,
since we *are* working for them (and for all we know, somebody might
have already done it, it wouldn't be the first time...).
The site will include a page of related links as soon as possible.

In the meantime, please everybody post to the list any relevant URL.

I am going to answer to the opensourceschools editor in these terms:

1) YES, let's work together.
2) What we need from schools to help them is:
        user requirement (which we might just overlook)
        existing GPL school applications, so we can package them

3) Please present us on relevant mailing lists, so you the users can
   start discussing the points above
4) Let's keep in strict contact



Dear Marco,

Your installer project looks reasonable and useful How far along are you?
Somethig about your message tells me I'm not the first to talk to you
about this, but please let us know if you'd be interested in joining
the Schoolforge coalition, http://schoolforge.net

On that site you'll find a list of current members, operating
procedures and two important starting points: *the mailing list
subscription form and *the membership application form.

We'd love to hear more about your plans if you'd be willing to share


           David Bucknell
           Editor, Open Source Schools -- a Schoolforge member


> Marco,
> I saw your name/project mentioned on the schoolforge list.  
> For what it is worth I think it might be a good match to get listed on
> schoolforge eventually.
> I had donated computers in mind when the thread started on enigma.
> Schoolforge is a new coalition of all the various projects that are
> school related.  I am very excited about the prospects of the organization.
> Chuck Moss
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