connect vpn

Alexander Theotokatos beep2alex at
Sat Aug 25 19:28:06 EEST 2007

Exo provlima sto na syndetho se vpn server sto ubuntu

Meta apo poly diavasma kai egkatastasi programmaton,
to mono poy katafera einai na mporo na kano config
meso konsolas me thn entoli nm-vpn-properties opoy
mporo na kano kapoies rithmiseis alla den ksero pos na
to energopoihso gia na syndeome mono meso vpn.

Oi odigies lene pos sto nm-applet opoy fenontai oi
sindeseis (dipla apo to rolo'i') mporo na epilekso
alli syndesi alla to mono poy mporo na kano einai
"manual configuration"

Please help...

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