Protes Boitheies

Alaios alaios at
Wed Oct 15 21:47:55 EEST 2003

Kalhspera exw kapoies apories kai opoios mporei na me
Έxw katebasei to openoffice 1.1.0 apo poy mporw
na katebasw ellhnikh or8ografia;To
anaferei or8ografia gia thn ekdosh 1.0.2
Prospa8w na brw enan tropo etsi wste eite briskomai se
kde h sto gnome na allazw th glwssa me to ctrl+shift
opws ekana kai sta windows. Katalaba oti ean ry8misw
katallhla ton Xserver 8a mporoysa na kanw kati tetoio
etsi diabasa to manual poy moy eipe ena paidi apo th
lista etsi pleon to arxeio moy moiazei me ayto.

Section "InputDevice"
Driver "Keyboard"
Identifier "Keyboard[0]"
Option "MapName" "Greek Keyboard [ pc104 + toggle ]"
Option "Protocol" "Standard"
Option "XkbLayout" "us,el"
Option "XkbModel" "pc104"
Option "XkbOptions" "grp:ctrl_shift_toggle"
Option "XkbRules" "xfree86"

To 8ema einai oti pleon den allazei oyte me to
syndyasmo poy toy eixa balei sto KDE...Kammia idea;
Epishs parathrhsa oti to Suse 8.2 exei 2 XF86Config

locate XF86Config
Poio apo ta 2 peirazw;

Epishs apo ta grammata ths listas brhka kai tis
parakatw entoles gia th ry8mish twn Ellhnikwn

echo -ne "\033(K\033)K" >/dev/tty
setfont iso07.16
loadkeys gr

Pws akribws tis ektelw; Egw tis ebala mesa se ena
arxeio kai to ektelw ka8e fora poy bgainw se konsola.
To 8ema einai oti den 3erw me poio koympi na alla3w th
glwssa gia na arxisw na grafw Ellhnika.!

A! kati teleytaio mporw na diabasw Ellhnika onomata
arxeiwn apo ntfs,fat32,fat ; Ti pros8etw se mia entolh
mount; Ti pros8etw sto /etc/fstab?
Ayta 3erw oti einai polla ean mporeite boh8hste.


#928;#945;#955;#945;#953;#972;#962; #913;#955;#941;#958;#945;#957;#948;#961;#959;#962;#934;#959;#953;#964;#951;#964;#942;#962; #932;#917;#921; #928;#955;#951;#961;#959;#966;#959;#961;#953;#954;#942;#962; #913;#952;#942;#957;#945;#962;la vie est belle :)

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