Boi8ia.. gia egkatastasi mikrou diktyou

sibas sal sibas11 at
Fri Sep 12 15:08:55 EEST 2003

Geia xara sas

Kata arxhn 8a h8ela na deiksete upomoni kai psuxraimia mias kai eimai se 
arxiko stadio :)

Exo ena pc me suse8.1 kai ena allo me xp frames
exo sundesi ta 2 pc me tis kartes RTL8139 (ta lampakia apo piso leitourgoun)
sto floppy pou peira mazi me tin agora tis kartas leei gia tin sundesi 

[This document contains instructions on installing Linux driver
and adjusting speed for the series of RTL8139(A/B/C/8130) Network Adapter

Installing Driver:
(1.) Kernel Had Supported Driver:
Check the directory " /lib/modules/¡K./net " if you could find "rtl8139.o"
Your kernel had supported RTL8139 series. You could easy use "linuxconf"
to setup your card. If you don't like linuxconf, you also could use
"modprobe rtl8139" and "ifconfig up eth0" to load module.
If your driver load properly, your "/etc/conf.modules" should include
line of "alias eth0 rtl8139".

(2.) Kernel Don't Support Driver:
If your kernel doesn't support RTL8139 series, you should compiler driver
by yourself. Please contact
to get source code. The compiler command is located on the end of source
code. Maybe like "gcc -DMODULE -Wall -Wstrict-prototypes -O6 -c rtl8139.c".
If you couldn't compiler success, maybe you should refer to error message
and copy library or head file to Linux.

Adjust Speed:
(1.) Adjusting speed:
Driver is designed with the gold that no options should be needed in most
environment. However not all cards and networks can be automatically
configured,thus allow operational parameters to be modify when they are
loaded as module. Typically the following variables may be set:
insmod rtl8139 options=0x40
Hex Decimal Meaning
0x10 16 ¡K..Force Full-Duplex operation (must be used with 0x20 or 0x40)
0x20 32 ¡K..Force 100mbps-only operation
0x40 64 ¡K..Force 10mbps-only

If loading as a module and configured /etc/conf.modules

alias eth0 rtl8139
options options=0x40

Look weird like that but I believe that works.] (nai nai leei ola auta)

etsi loipon ebala sto "/etc/conf.modules"
alias eth0 rtl8139
options options=0x40
egine amesos anagnorisi tis kartas apo to suse
meta ekana tin ru8misi (kai ekei kollisa)
IP kai sto allo
netmask kai sta 2
diaforetiko hostname
tora auto pou den katalabeno kai 8a h8ela mia mikri boi8ia einai to irq kai 
IO, pos briskoume tis times pou dinoume se auta? kai ti einai auta?

se ifconfig kai ping pou edosa mou deixnei

linux:/home/ppap # ifconfig eth0
eth0      Link encap:Ethernet  HWaddr 00:50:FC:9C:D6:E7
          inet addr:  Bcast:  Mask:
          inet6 addr: fe80::250:fcff:fe9c:d6e7/10 Scope:Link
          RX packets:153 errors:0 dropped:0 overruns:0 frame:0
          TX packets:192 errors:0 dropped:0 overruns:0 carrier:0
          collisions:0 txqueuelen:100
          RX bytes:23606 (23.0 Kb)  TX bytes:28182 (27.5 Kb)
          Interrupt:3 Base address:0xd000

linux:/home/ppap # ping
PING ( from : 56(84) bytes of data.
kai edo kolaaaaei lol (fusiko den einai)

pou kano la8os kai ti prepei na kano?

episis sto yast exei tin ru8misi host kai eksuphrethth onomaton
to DHCP kai fusika dromologisi
(mperdemena polu ta pragmata gia kapoion neo)

apo ta xp frames tora auta ta xaza einai sxedon automata ostoso paideuome 
sto DNS
mia mikri eksigisi kai se auto vre paidia.
telos apo auta pou diabasa stin lista gia na blepo apo to linux ta xp frames 
xreiazome to samba
kai anarotieme auto xreiazete mono sto suse? sta xp 8a blepo apo ftp?
tora elpizo na mporo na exo sundesi me to adsl kai na mporo na sundeome kai 
me ta 2 pc sto internet
Help vre magges edo arxarios, sigoura ta exo kanei salata kai perimeno ta 
fota sas
SAS euxaristo.

Use custom emotions -- try MSN Messenger 6.0!

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