H istoria twn ellhnikwn grammatoseirwn... (was: courB18gr.pc)

Fotis Georgatos gef at hellug.gr
Wed May 26 11:46:20 EEST 1999

...einai grammenh se ayto to email.

Mou phre kamposes wres gia na ta psaksw ola,
alla me aformh kati allages sto HOWTO to ekana me leptomereia.
Exoume kai leme: (Prosekste kati tyranikes synwnymies...)

greekXfonts ( 6 fonts for DECstation, M. Tsangaris, D.Pneymatikatos,
1992)	?
(converted by Stelios & Georgis @ FORTH-ICS, 1992?) and added some
fixed->	?
greekfonts.tgz (= NTUA directory ./more with 20 fonts, 1994)			(A)
6 cour*gr + 8 helv*gr by Adobe + fixedgr -> X11-Greek-Fonts
(P.Christias,1994)  (B)
(B)-> 11 cour*gr + 31 helv*gr by Adobe + fixedgr ->
X11greek(P.Christias,1996)	(C)  

VGA fonts (1993, by K.J.Dryllerakis)						(D0)
(D0) + (B) + some(A) -> greekXfonts-misc-1.0 (A. Haritsis, 1995)		(D1)

Based on 1994 Yiannis N. Moschovakis clr metafont code +
Based on cm fonts by Knuth, Levy, Haralambous, Sauter -> 
hrgrXfonts (grtex/grtt 75/100dpi by Th. Prwtopapas & A. Haritsis @ HRI )

(D1) + (D2) + tools -> greekXfonts-BDF-1.1 (A. Haritsis, 1995-6)		(D)

greekXfonts-Type1-1.1 (me FontMonger-exei & 1 polytonikh,  A. Haritsis,
1995-6)	(E)

(A) + viH -> XgreeksFonts (Konstantinos Moraitakis, 1997)			(F)

elot7x14 + elot7x14B (A. Kavarnos, 1997)					(G)
helv_R_O_10gr + helv_R_08gr + lutB_12_14gr (P. Bouras, 1998-9)			(H)
(C) + (D) + (E) + (G)? -> graphis (1999) 					(I)

Ean to graphis exei ontws ta 2 fonts toy (G),
to (A) einai psagmeno kai exoun antigrafei ta kala fonts,
kai perilabei kai to (H),
exoume *OLES* tis grammatoseires apo pantou, IMNSHO.

to (G) einai edw: ftp://ftp.softlab.ntua.gr/pub/users/akav/greek_fonts/
to (H) einai edw: ftp://argeas.cs-net.gr/pub/unix/linux/GREEK/fonts/

Ta ftp dirs gia osous endiaferontai kai theloun 
na epalitheysoun (den einai kakh idea):

Ayta einai yposynola twn parapanw:


Kairos na paw kai sthn douleia mou.

small if beautiful

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