
Georgatos Fotis gef at ceid.upatras.gr
Tue Jun 30 13:38:11 EEST 1998

Teleiwsa me thn eksetastiki mou kai eimai jana epi to ergon.

On Mon, 29 Jun 1998, Evripidis Papakostas wrote:
> apo evripidi kai voula :
> valame kai allo ena HOWTO tis seiras sound 
> opoios thelei na to dei prosorina tha einai sto
> http://linux.airtour.gr/grlinux/HOWTOs/Sound-Playing-HOWTO-GR5.html

Brhka polles anakoinwseis  gia ekkinhsh howto, kai tis perasa
sthn selida twn ellhnikwn ergasiwn, pou tha einai pleon o xarths mas:

Epalitheysate oti yparxoun oi ergasies pou kanete dhlwmenes oles,
kai ean exete parathsei kati pou leei to onoma sas, peite to mou.
Apo 5 Ioylh, tha mazepsoume kai olhn thn teleytaia paragwgh (!!!)
gia na mpei sto sunsite. To idio tha ginei kai ton Aygousto.
Tsekarete kai ta links kai ta emails oti einai ayta pou sas aresoun :-)

Mphke kai panw panw sto linux.gr gia na to blepoun oloi me thn prwth.
Dwste bash sto prwth ergasia, to aggloellhniko lejiko, giati tha einai
h gefyra mas me olon ton ellhniko kosmo ths plhroforikhs!

Epishs, prosexete thn lista sthn opoia apantate (  oxi sthn linux-hellug
gia themata howto kai anapoda, ektos ean prepei ). Oxi oti egw exw
problhma, alla kai gia logous organwshs twn mynhmatwn, xreiazetai.

xairetw sas

|  Georgatos Photis    |   University of Patras,                      |
|                      |   Dpt. of Computer Engineering & Informatics | 
|  GGGG EEEE FFFF      |   5th year student of CEID                   |
|  G    E    F         +----------------------------------------------+
|  G    EEE  FFF       |        www:  http://www.ceid.upatras.gr/~gef |
|  G  G E    F         |     e-mail:  mailto:gef at ceid.upatras.gr      |
|  GGGG EEEE F         |      phone:  +30-94-809595                   |

Gia na mathete pos na xrisimopoiite ton majordomo, stilte e-mail
sto "majordomo at argos.hol.gr" me 1 grammi sto keimeno: help
Gia opoiodipote problima stilte  e-mail ston owner-linux-howto

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