Ellhniko Linux Newsletter

Georgatos Photis gef at ceid.upatras.gr
Tue Dec 23 22:37:29 EET 1997

Loipon, synopsizw.

Periexomena:	Ellhnika Nea, Diethni Nea, Web/hardware/software reviews,

silent at ath.forthnet.gr:   web/klp reviews. Current Projects?
mkabrian at auadec.aua.ariadne-t.gr:  Selidopoihsh. grafika? Syllogh
vrypan at hol.gr:            KDE ka8ws kai thn dhmiourgia tvn HTML selidwn.

Logw xronou egw kai o Giwrgos o Keramidas, tha mporoume mono na
yliko kai nea. Proteinw thn kentrikh diaxeirish toy periodikou (syntajh)
na exei enas-dyo, o opoios tha ftiaxnei kai tis selides se HTML.
As synenoithoun o vrypan@ kai mkabrian@, ean endiaferontai gia thn thesh

Thelete na ftiajoume kati dokimastika gia thn prwtoxronia?
Exw yliko gia ta ejhs:
Ellhnika Nea: Ti exei ginei/ginetai sthn Ellada?
Diethni (RedHat 5.0, Installation from Network)
Tips+Tricks (grhgoro compile toy pyrhna, me kolpo)

YG: Kai ena kalo titlo paidia!

|  Georgatos Photis    |            University of Patras,             |
|                      |   Dpt. of Computer Engineering & Informatics |
|  GGGG EEEE FFFF      |          5th year student of CEID            |
|  G    E    F         +----------------------------------------------+
|  G    EEE  FFF       |    www: http://students.ceid.upatras.gr/~gef |
|  G  G E    F         |           e-mail: gef at ceid.upatras.gr        |
|  GGGG EEEE F         |              phone: +30-94-809595            |
Gia na mathete pos na xrisimopoiite ton majordomo, stilte e-mail
sto "majordomo at argos.hol.gr" me 1 grammi sto keimeno: help
Gia opoiodipote problima stilte  e-mail ston owner-linux-howto

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