<P>Hi,</P><P>If you hate S pam like I do, you o w e it
to yourself to try this, and send this email to all of your friends. Together
lets clear the Internet of S P A M!</P><P>Here is the link
for more i n f o:<BR>
<A href="http://www.sftwareplus.biz/gh/as/index.asp?affil=cartafranca">
http://www.StopAllThat8Spam.com</A></P><P>STOP S P A M
IN ITS TRACKS!</P><P>If so you should know that no other solution works
<BR>better than our software to return control of your <BR>email back where
it belongs! </P><P>Imagine being able to read your important email <BR>without
looking through all that dame s p a m... </P>
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