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<BR>rpm --rebuild paketo.
<BR>ean telioseis xoris errors meta
<BR>cd /usr/src/redhat/RPMS/i386
<BR>rpm -Uvh paketo.
<P>Pavlos Parissis wrote:
<BLOCKQUOTE TYPE=CITE>Kaminakis Nikos wrote:
<BLOCKQUOTE TYPE=CITE>pws ginete na anagkasw to rpm wste na 3erei oti to
ghostscript einai
<BR>install mesw ths klassikhs me0odou(compile kai install sto /usr/local/)
<BR>0elw na valw kapoia paketa (rpms) ta opoia 0eloun to ghostscript.
<P>h monh lysh vevaia einai nata kanw compile kai auta. yparxei omws allh
<BR>lysh ?
<PRE>Fantazomai oti otan piges na valeis ta programmata fonazan gia tin evriskan ta files</PRE>
<PRE>tou ghostscript ston /usr/share/ghostscript eno afta vriskonatai sto /usr/local/ghostscript</PRE>
<PRE>Prospathise na doseis rpm -Uvh --nodeps kai meta na trexeis ta paketa?, einai pithanon</PRE>
<PRE>na min trexoyn dioti ipothetoun oti exeis valei to ghostscript apo rpm kai etsi psaxnoun</PRE>
<PRE>ston /usr/share/ghostscript/version ta files.</PRE>
<PRE>Mia apli lisi einai na kaneis ena dir kato apo ton /usr/share me onoma ghostsrcipt kai na kaneis</PRE>
<PRE>link ta files ekei. Gia na se voithiso to ghostscript 5.50 pou exo exei ta akoloutha.</PRE>
<PRE>Ta docs den nomizo na einai aparetita na ta kaneis link alla olla ta alla mallon einai</PRE>
<PRE>sigouro oti prepei na ginoun link.</PRE>
<PRE>Meta kane pali rpm -Uvh ta paketa kai ean lene pali px "winmaps.ps needed by paketo" kane</PRE>
<PRE>rpm -Uvh --nodeps.</PRE>
<PRE>Dokimaseto se ena paketo mono kai ean to programma doulepsi tote trava kai sta all</PRE>
<PRE>to idio.</PRE>
<PRE>THEORITIKA PREPEI NA DOULEPSI, DEN to exo dokimasi dioti oti vazo einai se rpm morfi ektos</PRE>
<PRE>tou xisp kai kanena dio alla.</PRE>
<PRE>Elpizo i idea na doulepsi gia to diko sou kalo:)</PRE>
I love having the feeling of being in control
while i have the sensation of speed
The surfer of life
I love having the feeling of being in control
while i have the sensation of speed
The surfer of life