Re: Φορητοι κ Σβηστα

Nick Demou ndemou at
Fri Feb 1 00:06:47 EET 2008

2008/1/30 Panagiotis Palias <paliasp at>:
> Έχει ξανασυζητηθεί αρκετές
> φορές το θέμα. Προσωπικά δε με
> πειράζει να
> πάρω ένα laptop φθηνότερα επειδή
> έχει πάνω windows και
> επιδοτείται από
> τη microsoft η τιμή του,

ναι έχει ξανασυζητηθεί αρκετές φορές αλλά και πάλι τις ίδιες
παρεξηγήσεις διαβάζω. Πάμε λοιπόν για μια επανάληψη:


άλλη μια φορά για να εντυπωθεί


Η Microsoft δεν είχε εδώ και πολλά χρόνια κανένα λόγο να το κάνει
(εκτός αν νομίζετε π.χ. ότι τα τελευταία χρόνια για να καταφέρει να
πουλήσει Windows χρειαζόταν να παρακαλέσει και να υποσχεθεί
επιδοτήσεις στους κατασκευαστές για να προτιμήσουν Windows αντί για...
αντί για... εμ... αγοράζε κάτι άλλο το 95% του πλανήτη?).

Όχι μόνο λοιπόν ΔΕΝ τους παρακαλά αλλά τους ΧΡΕΩΝΕΙ με βάση το ΣΥΝΟΛΟ
των ΗΥ που παράγουν ΑΝΕΞΑΡΤΗΤΩΣ αν αυτοί έχουν windows ή όχι. Αυτός
είναι και ο λόγος που είτε δεν υπάρχει διαφορά κόστους σε ΗΥ με/χωρίς
windows είτε είναι αστεία. Αν σας φαίνεται απίστευτο google for
"Microsoft Tax":

Αποτελέσματα 1 - 50 από περίπου 9.650 για "microsoft tax" oem

μεταξύ αυτών που θα βρείτε είναι και τα παρακάτω:

"The Microsoft Tax" Definition

The Microsoft tax is an unofficial, but commonly used term that refers
to the licensing fee that Microsoft charges major suppliers of
personal computers for each unit sold and that purchasers thus usually
pay for such computers, regardless of whether or not they want or
intend to use a Microsoft operating system. This tax1 exists because
of pressure that Microsoft exerts on computer manufacturers and
sellers in the form of charging higher licensing fees for computer
sellers that do not comply [...]

Τhe Iowa Petition

144. Microsoft Chairman and former CEO, Bill Gates, reportedly
summarized the effects of the DOJ's 1995 consent decree–which banned
"per processor" licenses, among other exclusionary licensing terms mas
"nothing." Microsoft was able to devise other restrictive OEM
agreements to foreclose competition in th…
145. A "per system" license was the practical equivalent of the "per
processor" license. Under the "per system" license, the OEM had to pay
royalties to Microsoft for every computer of a particular "model" or
"system" that it shipped–again, as with the "per processor" contracts,
regardless of whether the PC contained Microsoft's operating system.
Microsoft defined "system" and "model" so broadly in its contracts
that virtually all of an OEM's production was subject to Microsoft's
"double tax" if the OEM wanted to give the consumer a choice of
operating systems. Microsoft did not agree to give up its "per system"
licenses in the 1995 consent decree, even though the Department of
Justice warned the federal district court that "per system licenses,
if not properly fencet in, could be used by Microsoft to accomplish
anticompetitive ends similar to 'per processor' licenses"–and in fact
146. Another way that Microsoft found to circumvent the federal
court's 1995 injunction forbidding its use of "minimum commitment/per
processor" licenses was what Microsoft calls its "Market Development
Agreements" ("MDAs").

New York Times: Executive Testifies Microsoft Must Be Able to Alter Windows

In his written testimony, [Christopher Jones, a Microsoft vice
president in charge of Windows, said that] the states' proposals would
confuse consumers, enabling competitors to [...blah blah...] and
*even* allowing a competing operating system like Linux to start up
instead of Windows. [τι ντροπή!]

Microsoft's Dirty OEM-Secret

The Microsoft Tax revisited

He Who Controls the Bootloader
[άρθρο του Scot Hacker στο Byte]

και μετά συνεχίστε με αυτά:

Results 1-10 of approximately 87 for 'microsoft linux oem' [usdoj atr US Department Of Justice AntiTRust

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