Kernel swappiness και απόδοση

V13 v13 at
Sat Feb 17 14:18:20 EET 2007

On Saturday 17 February 2007 14:16, Θοδωρής Λύτρας wrote:
> Anyway, αυτό το overcommit_memory τι είναι? (Και γενικά, που μπορώ να
> διαβάσω πέντε πράγματα -όσο πιο απλά γίνεται- για τα διάφορα kernel
> options?)

(To proigoymeno mail efyge katalathos)

Apo to Documentation/sysctl/vm.txt:

This value contains a flag that enables memory overcommitment.

When this flag is 0, the kernel attempts to estimate the amount
of free memory left when userspace requests more memory.

When this flag is 1, the kernel pretends there is always enough
memory until it actually runs out.

When this flag is 2, the kernel uses a "never overcommit"
policy that attempts to prevent any overcommit of memory.  

This feature can be very useful because there are a lot of
programs that malloc() huge amounts of memory "just-in-case"
and don't use much of it.

The default value is 0.

See Documentation/vm/overcommit-accounting and
security/commoncap.c::cap_vm_enough_memory() for more information.

  Genika, yparxei arketi pliroforia sto Documentation/ katalogo toy kernel ths 
protimisis soy. Apo ekei kai pera, try google. Gia to 99% ayton poy psaxneis 
tha breis mia poly kalh apantisi. 

  When everything else fails... read the source luke...

> Θοδωρής

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