Beryl gia pragmatikous antres (was: Re: Beryl)
Christos Ricudis
ricudis at
Wed Feb 7 11:55:28 EET 2007
Jimmy Angelakos wrote:
> Oles oi plhrofories pou mporei na xreiastei kapoios gia egkatastash
> Beryl me AIGLX, XGL h Nvidia beta drivers briskontai edw (analytikes
> odhgies gia ka8e distro):
Ki etsi loipon, eipa na dokimasw ki egw to beryl, mia poy den exw xrono
na balw thn GPU ths GeForce FX 5200 mou na kanei o,tidhpote pio
shmantiko apo to na skiazei para8yra (blepe GPGPU).
Debian testing.
H diadikasia einai h klassikh, pou oloi osoi gennh8hkame me to UNIX mesa
sto braki mas, gnwrizoume kai agapame :
* Go to
* Download beryl-core-0.1.9999.1.tar.bz2
* Initial setup gia na dieykolyn8ei to compilation tou ypoloipou
systhmatos :
Edit /etc/ld.config, append /usr/local/beryl/lib/
export PKG_CONFIG_PATH=/usr/local/beryl/lib/pkgconfig/
* ./configure --help ; ./configure --prefix=/usr/local/beryl/
--other-interesting-options ; make
* Install missing -dev dependencies using apt-get and reiterate previous
* make install ; ldconfig
* Ksanaphgainete sto prwto asteraki kai epanalabete thn idia diadikasia
gia beryl-plugins, beryl-plugins-unsupported, beryl-manager, aquamarine,
emerald, emerald-themes. There are almost no interesting configure
options here. To aquamarine 8a gkriniaksei poy kanete compile to systhma
sto /usr/local/beryl/ enw to ypoloipo KDE brisketai sto /usr/, opote to
boh8ate bazontas ekei pou prepei ena KDEDIRS=/usr/local/beryl:/usr:$KDEDIRS
* To heliodor poios to gamei, only sun uses gnome out there.
* Ftanontas sto beryl-settings-* anakalyptoume thn omorfia enos
systhmatos pou ypoti8etai oti ftiaxthke gia na kanei th zwh kapoiwn pio
eykolh, alla egw akoma aporw POIOI einai aytoi : Circular pkgconfig
Sygkekrimena, to beryl-settings exei dependency sto
beryl-settings-bindings, pou exei dependency sto beryl-settings.
Spate to dependency kanontas edit to configure script tou
beryl-settings-bindings. Kapou sth grammh 20205 8a breite ena :
berylsettings >= 0.1.2 \
glib-2.0 >= 2.6 \
x11 \
To allazete se
glib-2.0 >= 2.6 \
x11 \
kai proxwrate.
* Afou egkatasta8ei to beryl-settings-bindings kai to beryl-settings,
pros8etete pali th grammh kai ksanakanete compile kai install to
beryl-settings-bindings. Ayto einai apolytws axrhsto sthn prokeimenh
periptwsh, mia poy den allazei tipota, alla to pkgconfig einai toso
anwmalo pou to fobamai sxedon oso kai to libtool, opote protimw na mh
mou gkriniazei.
* Exoume ftasei, aisiws, sto telos tou compilation. To mono pou
xreiazetai pleon einai na poyme sth brwmerh kai trisa8lia python na
briskei to brwmero kai trisa8lio beryl-settings python extension (nai,
einai arrwstoi) se kapoio brwmero kai trisa8lio meros. Epeidh
sixainomaste thn brwmerh kai trisa8lia python kai bariomaste na broume
to swsto tropo na ginei ayto (o opoios perilambanei editing kapoiou
brwmeroy kai trisa8liou arxeiou), apla antigrafoume ta brwmera
kai trisa8lia arxeia kai apo to
brwmero kai trisa8lio /usr/local/beryl/lib/pythonx.y/site-packages/ sto
akoma pio brwmero kai trisa8lio /usr/local/lib/pythonx.y/site-packages/.
Oso to kanoyme ayto, sixtirizoume tous developers poy katsane kai
grapsane oloklhro composite manager se C, alla bariontousan na grapsoun
ena GUI me deka menu kai pente panels se kati ligotero brwmero kai
trisa8lio apo python-gtk.
Olh h diadikasia einai SAFWS pio eykolh, an den 8elete na kanete install
to beryl sto /usr/local/beryl/, opws *prepei*, alla sas aresei na
magarizei me ta brwmera kai trisa8lia arxeia tou to /usr/ sas. Wstoso, o
sygkekrimenos tropos egkatastashs dieykolynei apisteyta to teleytaio
bhma (deite parakatw).
* Pros8etoume th grammh
Option "AddARGBGLXVisuals" "On"
sto /etc/X11/xorg.conf mas, device section. Epishs pros8etoume to section :
Section "Extensions"
Option "Composite" "Enable"
* Kanoume restart ton X server mas, kai trexoume to
* Dior8wnoume thn anakatwsoura pou proklh8hke apo to skotwma tou window
manager mas, kai blepoyme oti sto desktop tray exei proste8ei ena
entelws kakogousto, pelwrio, katakokkino trigwno malakidi poy paristanei
ton hmipolytimo li8o, kai poy kala 8a kanoyn na tou allaksoun icon prin
apo to beryl 1.0 release gia na mhn tous parei o diaolos ton GUI
designer. Me deksi click sthn ahdia, 8a deite diafora endiaferonta
options pou mporeite na paiksete mazi tous. Kala 8a kanete na diabasete
kai to "beryl newbies" document sto beryl wiki
* Pername thn ypoloiph mia wra paizontas me ta transparencies kai ton
hli8io kybo. Gyrw sta tria tetarta apo th mia wra ksodeyoume gia na
katebasoume mia gymnh fwtografia ths Alicia Silverstone kai na baloume
epanw ths ena semi-transparent para8yro me to braki pou briskoume sto .
Karfwnoume to para8yro sto desktop kai paizoume me to title bar tou
prospa8wntas na epityxoume ena real-life effect katebasmatos tou
lastixou gia na doume katw apo to transparent para8yro xwris na
metakinh8ei to braki.
* Afou bare8oume, kanoume ena rm -rf /usr/local/beryl kai epistrefoume
sthn pragmatikh zwh.
Christos Ricudis ricudis at
Systems Administrator +30-2310-998656
IT Support Center
Aristotle University of Thessaloniki, GREECE
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