Google Earth on Linux

Dimitrios P. Bouras dbouras at
Tue Jun 13 12:07:46 EEST 2006

Thomas Daskalakis <t.daskalakis at> wrote:
> Emena pantws mou bgazei Segmentation Fault.
> To dokimase kaneis kai doulevei?

 Dokimase na to "tre3eis" ws e3hs:

 % (export LD_ASSUME_KERNEL=2.4.10; googleearth)

 Oi paren8eseis shmainoun "3ekina ena neo shell kai dwse tou
 tis entoles mou san input". To problhma fainetai na einai stous
 drivers twn kartwn grafikwn kai sth synergasia tous me th
 native ekdosh tvn threads ths C library. Mia lysh (symfwna me
 th Google) einai to upgrade tou kernel module gia thn karta
 grafikwn (blepe nVidia, ATI klp.). To parapanw apla leei sto
 dynamic loader na mh xrhsimopoihsei thread libs apo to
 /usr/lib/tls, alla ta generic versions.


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