Problhma eggrafhs hxoy sto line in ths kartas

Panos Konstantinidis girionis at
Wed Feb 8 20:47:14 EET 2006

Geia soy Manwlh

> Ston 2.6.15 yphrxe ena bug sxetiko me thn eggrafh hxou. Kane mia dokimh
> me enan allo kernel (kane downgrade apla gia na deis ti paizei, mporeis
> na deis ti exeis twra me uname -a).

Moy bgazei (me uname -a):

Linux panos 2.6.12-10-amd64-generic #1 Mon Jan 16 17:16:24 UTC 2006 x86_64

To bug ayto yphrxe mexri ton 2.6.15 h emfanisthke mono se ayth thn ekdosh
(dhladh h 2.6.12 poy exw egw den to exei).

De 8a h8ela pantws na mpleksw me downgrade/upgrade toy pyrhna, exw asxhmes
empeiries me tetoia.



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