Please Help
Christos Ricudis
ricudis at
Wed Nov 2 12:37:31 EET 2005
> 2. Se journaling filesystems opws to reiserfs ta pragmata endexomenws
> na dyskolepsoun poly, epeidh ekei h normal block-based domh twn
> klasikwn Unix filesystems den yparxei.
anti8etws apo ta log-*structured* filesystems (deite to early BSD LFS
gia ena paradeigma), sta opoia to storage device xrhsimopoieitai ws enas
cyclic buffer. Eixe merikes poly wraies idees, aporw giati
egkataleif8hke teleiws..
Christos Ricudis ricudis at
Systems Administrator +30-2310-998656
IT Support Center
Aristotle University of Thessaloniki, GREECE
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