Mozilla Thunderbird mesw Xprint (ellinika)

Nikos Zounis armado at
Wed Mar 9 22:57:30 EET 2005

Apo ta paketa Debian Unstable exw egkatastisi
ta parakatw:
Firefox, Thunderbird, Xprint kai CUPS.

O ektipwtis einai HPDeskjet895Cxi, dilomenos
kai douleuei kanonika mesa apo CUPS.

O X server exei swsta fortosei ta mscore truetype fonts, 
fenontai ola mesa apo tin entoli xfontsel.

Sto fontconfig iparxoun oi truetype grammatoseires
episis, fenontai me fc-list.

Apo ton Firefox mporw kai tiponw apsoga ellinikes
selides, me grammatosires opws einai, xwris kanena
provlima, ktl. H ektiposi ginete mesa apo hp0@:64
dhladi apo ton Xprint.

Apo ton Thunderbird mporw kai tiponw ellinika,
alla ola mono me tin grammatosira comic sans ms
gia ta ellinika.

Dokimasa mesa apo to ~/.mozilla-thunderbird/chrome/userContent.css
na alaxw grammatosira gia @media print, alla pali tipota,
allazei xrwmata, megethos, alla grammatoseira oxi, epimenei
se ComicSansMS.

To arxeio .ps perilambanei ta parakatw:
%%Creator: The X Print Server's PostScript DDX (,
release 100000, FreeType version 2.1.8)
%%BeginFont: ComicSansMS_iso8859-7
%!PS-AdobeFont-1.0: ComicSansMS_iso8859-7
12 dict begin
/FontInfo 9 dict dup begin
  /version (Version 2.10) readonly def
  /Notice (Copyright (c) 1995 Microsoft Corporation. All rights
reserved.) readonly def
  /FullName (Comic Sans MS) readonly def
  /FamilyName (Comic Sans MS) readonly def
  /Weight (Regular) readonly def
  /ItalicAngle 0.000000 def
  /isFixedPitch false def
  /UnderlinePosition -133 def
  /UnderlineThickness 85 def
end readonly def
/FontName /ComicSansMS_iso8859-7 def

Se grafiko periballon o thunderbird exei rithmisti na
emfanizei me verdana.
To preview print einai opws prepei, alla oxi stin ektiposi.

Oi ektypwseis ginontai sto _xp_ps_spooldir_HOME_ ktl, 
sto spool directory tou Xprint.

Tou firefox mia xara, tou thunderbird oxi kai toso ..

Meta apo ola auta, iparxei kanenas
pou ektipwnei me Xprint+Thunderbird ellinika,
kai se oti grammatoseira truetype exei autos orisei?


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