__________ (Was: Re: _______ ____ ___)

Christos Ricudis ricudis at itc.auth.gr
Wed Jun 9 10:58:19 EEST 2004

On Wed, 09 Jun 2004 09:15:17 +0300
Giannis Stoilis <giannis at stoilis.gr> wrote:

> Όπως είπα, κάνω κινήσεις για να δώσουμε μπλουζάκια στην έκθεση.
> Ας ανοίξουμε ένα flame για το ΤΙ θα λέει.
> Άλλες προτάσεις; Αν όχι url, τι ατάκα να βάλουμε;

Prosferw sto syllogo afilokerdws gia tous skopous ths diakosmhshs tou mplouzakiou, th fwtografia moy. 

mmm. atakes. mmm...

"Ekana bardia se periptero sthn Infosystem and all I got was that lousy t-shirt".

"Geek Inside".

"My girlfriend wouldn't be there today, even if I had one".

"Linux. Steal somebodys IP today".


Christos Ricudis				ricudis at itc.auth.gr
Systems Administrator				+30-2310-998305
IT Support Center
Aristotles University of Thessaloniki, GREECE

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