win2k source leakage

Georgios E. Kylafas gkyla at
Sat Feb 14 04:29:58 EET 2004

On Saturday 21 February 2004 00:32, Marios Mpasoukos wrote:
> to kwdika ton exei kaneis? etsi gia na exei akoma pio endiaferon i oli
> fasi...

Θα προτιμούσα να μην σταλεί κανένας τέτοιος σύνδεσμος στη λίστα. Μόνο κακό 
μπορεί να κάνει μία τέτοια ενέργεια. Παραθέτω δύο χαρακτηριστικά μηνύματα που 
στάλθηκαν για το ζήτημα αυτό σε ένα άρθρο του Linux Weekly News για το ίδιο 
θέμα (

Digital Pearl Harbol looming on the horizon
(Posted Feb 13, 2004 21:03 UTC (Fri) by allesfresser) (Post reply) 
Please, please, PLEASE DO NOT post a pointer to the stolen code here! Don't be 
that stupid! Wouldn't that be convenient for Microsoft to point to LWN and 
say, "see, they're all software pirates and terrorists"? Also, if you happen 
to know where it can be found, don't look at it at all if you ever want to 
contribute to any Free Software project. Despite what the law about trade 
secrets says (as posted above), since when has actual truth and legal 
precedent mattered when it comes to Microsoft's lawyers and press hounds? 
Think before you do something all of us will regret mightily... 

No pointers please
(Posted Feb 13, 2004 21:34 UTC (Fri) by corbet) (Post reply) 
I will second that request: please do not post pointers to stolen code here. 
We would probably have to remove them. 
Besides, anybody who is concerned with his or her ability to write free 
software in the future absolutely does not want to look at this code. You 
don't want its owner coming after you for having misappropriated it in any 
way. The best defense against any such charge is to have never seen the code 
in question. 

Ο corbet που γράφει και το δεύτερο μήνυμα είναι ο ίδιος ο συντάκτης του LWN.

Georgios E. Kylafas

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