Statefull Packer Inspection against any kind of Malware!

beatnik beatnik at
Wed Aug 11 17:54:20 EEST 2004

Dimitris Stasinopoulos <dsta at> wrote in
news:mailman.243.1092230864.316.linux-greek-users at 

> On 11     2004, at 15:35 , Giorgos Keramidas wrote:
>> On 2004-08-11 11:49, beatnik <beatnik at> wrote:

Xmmm isos se software morfi na einai ontos poly dyskolo na ginei giati 
tha katanalone polla resourses alla se hardware morfi (px poly kalo Cisco 
Pix Firewall) den tha mporouse na kanei kati tetoio? 

Me auton ton tropo mono to chipset tou Hardware Firewall tha epivarynotan 
kai oxi i cpu kai i memory tou machine pou trexei to OS....

Mou fainetai pos den einai paralogo auto pou rotao....

Just because I can, doesnt mean I will.
Just because I dont, doesnt mean I cant.
Just because you say so, doesnt mean Ill change.
And above all, just because you want it, doesnt mean I care.

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