debian sid + greek

ironhell3 ironhell3 at
Mon Mar 24 21:31:04 EET 2003

O/H Alex Papadopoulos έγραψε:
> Hash: SHA1
> Xairetw
> Den xreiazetai na pw kai polla, einai to gnwsto problhma. Exw egkatasthsei ttf 
> + ellhnikes grammatoseires kai blepw Ellhnika sxetika aksioprepws (me aples 
> grammatoseires), grafw Ellhnika me arketes grammatoseires (eidika ttf pou me 
> endiaferoun), alla den exw tonismenous xarakthres.
> Akolou8ei deigma:
> Εδ λεπουν οι τνοι :-Ρ
> Den blepw tonismenous xarakthres oute se oute se KDE, opote 
> ypo8etw oti to problhma einai se epipedo X.
> Apo paketa exw egkatasthsei ta ekshs:
> tux:~# dpkg --list | grep i18n
> ii  kde-i18n-el    3.1.1-0woody1  Greek (el) i18n files for KDE
> tux:~# dpkg --list | grep fonts
> ii  console-data   2002.12.04dbs- Keymaps, fonts, charset maps, fallback table
> ii  gsfonts        6.0-2.1        Fonts for the ghostscript interpreter
> ii  msttcorefonts  1.1.2          Installer for Microsoft TrueType core fonts
> ii  xfonts-100dpi  4.2.1-3        100 dpi fonts for X
> ii  xfonts-75dpi   4.2.1-3        75 dpi fonts for X
> ii  xfonts-base    4.2.1-3        standard fonts for X
> ii  xfonts-greek-p 1.1-5.1        a rich collection of X11 Greek fonts
> ii  xfonts-greek-p 1.1-5.1        a rich collection of X11 Greek fonts
> ii  xfonts-greek-p 1.1-5.1        a rich collection of X11 Greek fonts
> ii  xfonts-greek-p 1.1-5.1        a rich collection of X11 Greek fonts
> ii  xfonts-scalabl 4.2.1-3        scalable fonts for X
> tux:~#
> Exw energopoihsei ton xfs kai ton xfstt, o opoios anaferei oti briskei 113 
> ttf.
> Kammia idea/link/HOWTO?
> - -A
> - -- 
> 3DAD 8435 DB52 F17B 640F  D78C 8260 0CC1 0B75 8265
> Version: GnuPG v1.2.1 (GNU/Linux)
> iD8DBQE+fmA8gmAMwQt1gmURAspBAJ9wGjp4Lf1Y9n53gYruSFuAb1sXBgCfQzvb
> S4hJbUU2MOujQBF20SQU2Zo=
> =NxWj

otan grafeis locale stin konsola, ti sou vgazei? (fantazomai exeis 
allaksei ta locale)

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