Kalo ksekinima

Giorgos Keramidas keramida at ceid.upatras.gr
Sun Mar 16 02:06:01 EET 2003

On 2003-03-15 23:44, fateswarm <admin at www0.org> wrote:
> On Sat, Mar 15, 2003 at 05:44:23PM +0200, Giorgos Keramidas wrote:
> >   $ gpg --list-keys keramida
> >   pub  1024D/318603B6 2001-09-21 Giorgos Keramidas <keramida at FreeBSD.org>
> >   uid                            Giorgos Keramidas <charon at labs.gr>
> >   uid                            Giorgos Keramidas <keramida at ceid.upatras.gr>
> >   uid                            Giorgos Keramidas <keramida at hellug.gr>
> >   uid                            Giorgos Keramidas <keramida at linux.gr>
> >   sub  1024g/50FDBAD1 2001-09-21
> mipos exeis polla keys;
> hmm.. sto specification tou pgp to email ka8orizei to key kai oxi o
> katoxos;

Ena key exw.  Me polla UID.  Dokimase thn entolh:

  $ gpg --edit-key keramida

kai sto Command> prompt dose ? gia boh8eia.


Den ksero ti ennoeis otan les 'specification' alla sto command line
programma pou legetai gpg(1) mporeis na xxrhsimopoihseis thn parametro
--list-keys gia na psakseis gia perissotera apo ena kleidia:

a) Dinontas to ``key number'':

   $ gpg --list-keys 318603B6 | grep pub
   pub  1024D/318603B6 2001-09-21 Giorgos Keramidas <keramida at FreeBSD.org>

b) Me onoma:

   $ gpg --list-keys Officer | grep pub
   pub  1024D/CA6CDFB2 2002-08-27 FreeBSD Security Officer <security-officer at FreeBSD.org>

c) Me email:

   $ gpg --list-keys nectar at freebsd.org | grep pub
   pub  1024R/094724A9 1998-04-18 Jacques Vidrine <nectar at FreeBSD.org>
   pub  1024D/1606DB95 2001-07-05 Jacques A. Vidrine <n at nectar.com>
   pub  1024D/71A28C73 1997-08-21 Jacques Vidrine <nectar at FreeBSD.org>

Auta ta oliga :)

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