Unix utilities for Windows

kzorba at otenet.gr kzorba at otenet.gr
Tue Mar 4 09:47:01 EET 2003

Yparxoun ta cygwin ergaleia. H cygwin einai mia vivliothiki dll pou
sou dinei to api toy Unix se Windows. Me ti voitheia tis exoun ginei
compile para polla Unix programmata sta Windows. Exeis shells, glosses
klp. Aparaitito ergaleio se mena otan anagkazomai na xrisimopoiiso
Url:  http://sources.redhat.com/cygwin/

  Kostas Zorbadelos, Msc University of Athens
  Dept Of Informatics & Telecommunications
  Otenet IT Department | BSS/OSS Section
  email: kzorba at otenet.gr

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