Open Source Workshop in Greece

Petrakidis Angelos a.petrakidis at
Sat Mar 1 15:39:02 EET 2003

Petrakidis Angelos wrote:
 Dear Sir/Madam
 We would like to notify you that we are making a Workshop with Open
 Source subject in Thessaloniki, Greece. We are a community named
 COSC(City Open Source Community) founded in City Liberal Studies
 affiliated institution of The University of Sheffield UK.
 It will be appriciated if you can support us with promotional
 material/making a presentation
 and advertising our workshop. The workshop will take place on 22nd of
 March at 10:00am in our university. You can find more information our
 website .
 The website of the university is
 For presentations or informations contact with me.

 Petrakidis Angelos

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