HIDE FAT32 Partition

Άγγελος Οικονομόπουλος aoiko at cc.ece.ntua.gr
Mon May 13 23:54:01 EEST 2002

On Monday 13 May 2002 23:01, NIcolas Mouclas wrote:
> Nai thn eblepa kanonika thn katatmhsh prin kanw egkatastash suse. Thn
> eixa kanei me Partion Magic 7 pro . Htan e3arxhs apo thn prwth stigmh poy
> thn dhmioyrghsa fat32..kai exw mesa gyrw sta 11 gb...

kat' arxhn, ola auta pou anafereis twra, den nomizeis oti 8a eprepe na ta 
anafereis kai sto prwto mail sou prin sou pw na kaneis kati pou mporei na 
exei apotelesma na xaseis auta ta 11G ?

> yphrxe suse linux kai prin kanw ekgatastsh twra teleytaia apla me mia
> egkatastash 98 poy eixa kanei moy eixe xalase to lilo pou eixa sto mbr
> opote anagkathka na to 3anabalw...kai otan 3anampoytara den ypehrxe to
> sda3 (d:) ..malista anoi3a to partion magic kai mou ebgale oti yphrxe
> kapoio error sta partition..

ti error? ti error code mhpws?

> opote pathsa ok na to ftia3ei....kai
> kollhse....meta apo ean dekalepto pathsa restart

kai perimeneis na 3anabreis katatmhsh meta apo auto...

#include <disclaimer.h>

>...meta apo auta den
> mpotare tpt ..oute suse , oute XP ..enw fortwne to lilo..

kai ti elege to lilo?

> .mono me
> 3anaegkatastash toy linux katafera  na epanaferw kai to linux alla kai to
> xp....sthn egkatastash malista poy ekana teleytaia moy edine to partition
> poy exw to linux twra mesa (sda4) os fat32....kai to sda3 ws hidden
> fat32....

ena mpourdelo...
toulaxiston ta mege8h tairiazoun????
an tairiazoun tote apo to linux:

dd if=/dev/sda of=mbr.raw bs=512 count=1

meta, me to fdisk alla3e ton tupo ths katatmhshs se oti skata htan 
(fantazomai 8a htan 0x0c alla den 3erw ti einai to default tou pm)
_mhn_ bootareis xp. prospa8hse na thn kaneis ro mount. an den ginetai, tough 

kane dd if=mbr.raw of=/dev/sda bs=512 count=1 ,
egkatesthse to rescuept kai tre3to. mallon den 8a mporesei na kanei tipota
an 8es meta, dokimase kai gpart

an mporeis na kaneis mount thn katatmhsh, bootare xp kai o 8eos boh8os

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