HIDE FAT32 Partition
NIcolas Mouclas
mouclas at hotmail.com
Mon May 13 20:53:01 EEST 2002
----- Original Message -----
From: "Άγγελος Οικονομόπουλος" <aoiko at cc.ece.ntua.gr>
To: "M o u c l a s" <mouclas at hotmail.com>;
<linux-greek-users at lists.hellug.gr>
Sent: Monday, May 13, 2002 6:57 PM
Subject: Re: HIDE FAT32 Partition
On Monday 13 May 2002 15:13, M o u c l a s wrote:
> Meta apo ekgatastash mono ths consolas apo suse linux 7.3 se partition 7
> Gb me swap 480 Mb..mpotarontas se XP den blepei to trito partition poy
> exw me fat32 kai xwritikothta. sto prwto partition exw ta XP..
> Trexontas to yast2 gia na 3anakanw ekgatastash moy grafei sto partion ayto
> oti einai hide...pws 8a mporesw na to kanw unhide.??Exei epilogh mesa apo
> yast2...??
pws _akribws_ htan o diskos otan 3ekinhses?
(periegrapse ta partitions)
se konsola dwse cfdisk
exei mia entolh "print" h kapws etsi. grapse to pt se ena arxeio kai steilto
kai auto
an den uparxei to cfdisk, dwse fdisk -l > fdisk.out kai steile to fdisk.out
indent does _not_ solve the problem of:
* buggers who think that MyVariableIsBiggerThanYourVariable is a
good name
- Alexander Viro on coding style
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