RDBMS Frontends [was Re: OPENOFFICE.ORG... ]

Yannis Kotsinos zookie at med.auth.gr
Tue May 7 01:51:01 EEST 2002

Christos Ricudis wrote:

>In article <mailman.1020341762.25030.linux-greek-users at lists.hellug.gr>, Ioannis Theodossis wrote:
>>> http://www.firebird.org/
>> Ναι, έχω περάσει από το site, δείχνει ecplictique.
>Ontws deixnei ekplhktiko : 
>manitari:[ricudis]~$ lynx -dump http://www.firebird.org/
>                                                         www.firebird.org
>                               __________________________________________
>  Under Construction

LOL... Diko moy la8os... Let's try again:

tyler# cat /usr/ports/databases/firebird/pkg-descr 

[ snip ]

For more information on Firebird and InterBase, see:

and of course the firebird page itself:
WWW: http://sourceforge.net/projects/firebird/

Epishs ena poly interesting sxetiko link:

IBAccess is an Interbase client application, created by Toni Martir
that allows the users or administrators the use of a intuitive
interface to Interbase/Firebird database servers and
Interbase/Firebird database files and objects.

It's available for Windows and Linux

"off to the movies we shall go,
  where we learn everything that we know"

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