den kanei install

Rene Giorgos Gens renegens at
Sat Mar 30 01:04:01 EET 2002

Eimai xronia xrhsths Windows!
Eipa kai egw kairos einai na asxolh8eis me to Linux. Ola kala mexri edw. Exw thn ekdosh 8.1 Mandrake (auth poy eixe to Ram).
Otan paw na kanw install(boot apo cd, dokimasa kai me disketa alla ta idia) kollaei. Gemizei thn o8onh me diafora opos:

Fatal Error: 00008e000
Kernel was killed...
kai alla. 

Ystera kollaei kai ksekolaei mono me reset apo to kouti.
Ti na kanw? Mhpws ftai h dianomh? To cd doulei pantos mia xara to dikimasa alloy. Egw nomizw oti den blepei th mhtrikh mou h mallon to chipset. 
Exw mia Abit KR7A raid me Athlon XP 1700+ kai 256DDR, kai sto disko exw ta win98 kai winXP.  
Boh8hte me! 
PS:Den kserw sexedon tpa apo linux alla den eimai axrhstos me to systhma mou.

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