performance: Linux vs Win

Giorgos Keramidas keramida at
Tue Jun 11 14:15:03 EEST 2002

On 2002-06-11 04:40 +0100, Stelios Bounanos wrote:
> >>>>> On Tue, 11 Jun 2002 03:12:44 +0300, Giorgos Keramidas
> >>>>> <keramida at> was runoured to have said:
> > On 2002-06-10 17:40 +0100, Stelios Bounanos wrote:
> >>
> >> Ma giati den anaferei kaneis to lyx ( Grafikos word
> >> processor me LaTeX backend poy kanei ta panta(?)
> > Giati to lyx den kanei tipota antistoixo tou:
> >  [snippetry]
> Hmm, ok, alla s'aythn thn periptwsh 8a ekanes to .lyx export se latex

Akribos.  Den to kanei to idio to lyx giati den mporei kapoio GUI
programma na kanei ola osa mporei na kanei ena UNIX leitourgiko sto
command line tou, xoris na ulopoihsei ena "UNIX mesa se ena programma".
Auto h8ela na pw, oti kaneis den anefere to lyx mexri tora, giati
sinithos osoi xrhsimopoioun to LaTeX kseroun hdh mia xara na kanoun
osa theloun xoris GUI (eksaireitai to xdvi :P).

> for fname in `find . -type f`; do
>     # to lyx fainetai na bazei to preamble katw apo to \textclass
>     perl -pi.orig -e 's/(\\textclass \S+\n)/$1\\begin_preamble\n\\usepackage{greek}\n\\end_preamble\n/s' "$fname"
>     if [ $? -eq 0 ]; then
> 	rm "${fname}.orig"
>     else
> 	echo "*** Failed to filter: $fname"
> 	mv "${fname}.orig" "$fname"
>     fi
> done

Ho ho :)

- Giorgos

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