Linux + ibook

Apollon Koutlides apollon at
Mon Dec 30 19:16:01 EET 2002

Steve Stavropoulos wrote:

> Gia na to pw ligo me pio "politikous" orous, o an8rwpos ton opoio
>perigrafeis "den exei apokthsei ta3ikh syneidhsh"! Mallon kalo 8a htan
>na broume enan analogo oro me ton "ta3ikh syneidhsh" gia thn periptwsh
>pou meletame (isws omws na mas kanei kai aytos o idios oros, den 3erw...).
a) :g/open.*source/s//Free Software/g
b) to Free Software (as in, the GPL and the rationale behind it) DEN 
exei politiko periexomeno, giati apla einai KA8ARH POLITIKH. 8a 
mporouses isws na to pas kai makrutera, legontas oti apotelei en eautw 
ena limited-scope politiko susthma, efoson prosdiorizei orous 
sunallaghs, dikaiwmata kai upoxrewseis twn melwn ths koinothtas, ka8ws 
kai orous summetoxhs se authn (conformance to the license). To "the 
cathedral and the bazaar" htan ena e3aireto deigma neo-political grafhs 
se texniko ufos :)
c) den prokeitai gia ta3h, opote den exei nohma h ennoia "ta3ikh 
suneidhsh" - oute kai kanenas allos oros apo anaphra sthn efarmogh kai 
pepalaiwmena politika susthmata. One source to rule them all, one 
license to bind them, one community to bring them all and in the 
darkness bind them. Prokeitai gia mia gnhsia texnokratikh elit, me ola 
ta xarakthristika gnwrismata: lingo, orous apodoxhs, eswterikous kai 
e3wterikous kuklous, sun8hkes aporripshs klp. [1]
d) anti gia "ta3ikh suneidhsh" auto pou ufistatai ws a3onas sunoxhs ths 
koinothtas einai ena common benefit. Auto to benefit einai megalutero 
gia tous developers (available source base) pros to paron, opote autous 
elkuei perissotero. Ka8ws ta pleonekthmata ths enta3hs sthn koinothta 
au3anontai kai diaforopoiountai poiotika, dieurunetai kai o kuklos twn 
atomwn pou exoun sumferon na entax8oun. H enta3h wstoso apaitei kapoio 
"kostos" eggrafhs :) an den idrwseis panw apo to keyboard, den prokeitai 
1) na gineis apodektos 2) na ais8an8eis thn a3ia ths summetoxhs

...just my Euro 0,05 (to iso8859-7 den exei 8esh gia to Euro symbol? ti 
encoding xrhsimopoioume gia auto?)

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