Kernel Oops!!!

Άγγελος Οικονομόπουλος aoiko at
Thu Dec 12 17:14:02 EET 2002

On Thursday 12 December 2002 15:40, Pavlos Parissis wrote:
> On Thu, 12 Dec 2002 01:49:19 +0200 Άγγελος Οικονομόπουλος
> >  dhladh to mhxanhma etrexe 2 meres me oopsed kernel (kala, ta logs den
> > ta
> >
> >  koitas pote? mono otan uparxoun problhmata?). kai liga problhmata
> > eides sto
> Oxi to mhxanhma etrexe 14 wres me oopsed ston kernel.

nai, ase pou eixe to miso load apo oti sunh8ws, ara den 8a eprepe na upar3ei 
problhma, etsi?
otan o kernel sou petaei ena oops sth mapa einai giati katalabe oti to 
hardware h o idios kapou ta skatwse kai den mporei na egguh8ei gia kanena 
process. anti omws na kalesei thn panic() exei thn eugenh kalosunh na se 
afhsei na sunexiseis na xrhsimopoieis to mhxanhma upo8etontas oti esu 
mporei na 3ereis ti na kaneis. 9/10 8a 8es na kaneis sync && reboot. apo 
thn allh, an 3ereis poio kommati kwdika prokalese to oops mporeis na to 
agnohseis teleiws (auto ekana p.x. gia >10 oopses se mia mera me ena diko 
mou module, to opoio gnwriza polu kala ti ekane[0]).

> H kiria douleia mou sthn etaireia pou ergazomai,mallon ergazomoun, den
> einai system administration,
> alla xilia alla pragmata.AN exeis parathshsei ta mails pou stelnw to
> grafw meta tis 5 dioti apla

an omologhsw oti den to eixa parathrhsei 8a me pistepseis?
fusika meta apo ena query sthn db (auth pou exw fakelwmenous olous osous 
exoun kanei pote post sthn lgu) blepw oti esteiles mail stis 16:13 stis 
30/2/2002. pws to e3hgeis auto? mila!

> den iparxei xronos gia tetoia.
> Alla pes pws evlepa to log kai thn wra pou to perage to message ti
> nomizeis oti tha mporousa
> na ekana?
> Einai h defterh fora pou pernw oops kai thn prvth to peira mprosta sta
> matia mou alla
> den mporousa oute sthn console na grapsw.

afou egrafes to oops se xarti, 8a edines (mazi me Alt-SysRq) "s", "u" kai 
"b". blepe kai linux/Documentation/sysrq.txt

an den hsoun mprosta sthn konsola, to ligotero pou 8a mporouses na kaneis 8a 
htan shutdown -h now, gia na prostatepseis ta dedomena sou.

> >  tou. tre3e fsck *etsi kai alliws*, to log replay tou ext3 den se
> >  diasfalizei apo phruna pou den leitourgouse swsta otan krasare.
> enoousa oti den ekana fsck manual ekane fsck kata to boot xwris na mou
> anaferei
> oti xreiazete manual fsck.

polu amfibalw, ektos an etuxe na ftaseis to maximal mount count mazi me to 

[0] ektos apo to na prokalei oopsen
Don't compare floating point numbers just for equality.
            - The Elements of Programming Style (Kernighan & Plaugher)

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