Elegxos & accounting ektypwsewn

zakinthinos at hellug.gr zakinthinos at hellug.gr
Thu Dec 5 21:04:01 EET 2002

>Elegxos & accounting ektypwsewn 
>Giannis Vrentzos gvre at her.forthnet.gr 
>Wed Dec 4 09:46:01 2002 

>Exw enan printer kai 8elw na elegxw posa bytes exei typwsei ka8e xrhsths 
>  .An ayta 3epernoun kapoio orio pou 8a 8etw egw gia ka8e xrhsth na mh 
>mporei aytos o xrhsths na ektypwsei.An kapoios exei asxolh8ei me kati 
>sxetiko as apanthsei.

se kapoio redhat 7.x exo dei to pac

den ksero ean auto tha se voithisi

giorgos tsimaras

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