Check this out

DJ Art djart at
Wed Sep 26 17:02:01 EEST 2001

για δείτε αυτό:

To URL gia to plhres keimeno tis protashs nomou einai edo

How would you feel if you learned that manufacturing or selling a 
regular PC, audio or video recording device as we all know them would 
suddenly be illegal and punishable by $500'000 and up to 5 years of 
prison? You'd probably think it was a bad joke. Unfortunately that's 
not the case, rather it's the latest attempt of RIAA and MPAA to ban 
fair use and to turn the world into a pay-per-view only place. An act 
called Security Systems Standard and Certification Act has been put 
before congress. Should it pass kiss your rights as a consumer by bye. 
As a side effect any open source software will effectively become 
illegal as well as the DRM management all devices will have to 
integrate will certainly be proprietary and can therefore not be 
implemented into open source software. You'll find the full draft of 
the Act on Cryptome. If it ever was time to get up and fight for your 
rights now is the time. Or you'll soon wake up one day and have the FBI 
knocking down your door for making a (now illegal) copy of a CD / DVD 
you own and have paid for. 

Kyritsis Athanasios <djart at>

- What's your ONE purpose in life ?
- To explode, of course! ;-)

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