The Tales of an NT Admin

The Reverant reverant at
Wed Sep 12 17:24:08 EEST 2001

(Admin enters his NOC)

Knights of Sendmail: We are the keepers of the sacred words: "Sendmail, 
Ping and Li-Nus! Li-Nus!"

Admin: Who are you?

Knights of Sendmail: We are the Knights who say Sendmail!

Admin: NO, not the Knights who say Sendmail!

Knights of Sendmail: The Same!

Admin: Knights of Sendmail, I am but a humble NT Admin who seeks the 
programmers beyond this code.

Knights of Sendmail: "Sendmail! Sendmail! Sendmail! Sendmail!"

Knights of Sendmail: We shall say Sendmail again to you, if you do not 
appease us.

Knights of Sendmail: We want...a Linux Distro! [dramatic chord]

Admin: A what?

Knights of Sendmail: "Sendmail!"

Admin: O Knights of Sendmail, you are just and fair, and I shall return 
with a Linux Distro.

Knights of Sendmail: One that looks nice!

Admin: Of course.

Knights of Sendmail: And not too expensive!

Admin: Yes.

Knights of Sendmail: Now go!!

(Admin enters a ìicroLand store with the junior sys admin with him)

Admin: Shop Assistant! Is there anywhere in this street where I could buy 
a Linux Distro? [Dramatic Chord]

Shop Assistant: WHO SENT YOU?

Admin: The Knights who say "Sendmail"

Shop Assistant: Argc, No!

Admin: If you do not tell us where we can buy a Linux Distro, my friend 
and I will say... we will say... `Sendmail!'.

Shop Assistant: Argv[argc-1]! Do your worst!

Admin: "Sendmail!"

Shop Assistant: No! Never! No Linux Distros!

Junior Admin: "Delivermail!, Delivermail!, Delivermail!"

Admin: No no no no, it's not that, it's "Sendmail"!

Junior Admin: "Delivermail!"

Admin: Noo! No no, "Sendmail"! You're not doing it properly.

Junior Admin: "Delivermail! Sendmail!

Admin: Thats's it, that's it, you've got it!

(Client beside them hears the sacred word)

Client: Are you saying "Sendmail" to this poor assistant?

Junior Admin: Ahm, yes!

Client: Oh, what sad times are these when passing ruffians can say 
"Sendmail" at will to poor shop assistants!.

Ithiko didagma: Min arxizete distro wars giati oloi istera tis pairnoun me 
kako mati.

The Reverant
(Dimitris Stasinopoulos)

"Eimaste Mafiozoi.
Mas xtipate, sas xtipame.
Einai i douleia mas."

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