I never thought I'd come to this, what's this aaaaaaaaall about?

Yiannis Valassakis wizard at gnu.org
Thu Nov 15 12:01:58 EET 2001

Christos Ricudis wrote :
-- snip --

>Sthn arxh, den yphrxe kammia sygxish. Otan milousame gia bits, bytes, kai
>loipa, ta metrika proshma (kilo, mega, ktl) orizan aneka8en dynameis toy
>H sygxish arxise otan diaforoi eksypnoi kataskeyastes diskwn me prwth kai
>kalyterh th seagate arxisan na kleboun sto zygi, orizontas to KByte ws 1000
>bytes, to MByte ws 1000 KBytes, ktl - wste oi diskoi toys na fainontai
>megalyteroi se MBytes.


Deite kai to http://www.mediatemple.net/customer_support/kb/12.2.html

                    Love and Peace

Prometheus Laboratories System Administrator

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