The knights who say ni ate my makefile

The Reverant reverant at
Thu May 10 18:30:01 EEST 2001

When the time was Thursday 10 May 2001 17:27, Christos Ricudis wrote:
> Hello All!
> Gia osous nomizoyn oti ta exoyn dei ola.
> KA8E fora poy prospa8w na kanw compile kapoia ekdosh toy xchat se
> Solaris 8.0, apo MIA sygkekrimenh grammh enos sygkekrimenoy Makefile
> eksafanizontai ola ta n :

Den ekplisomai katholou. Profanos ksexases prin kaneis compile na doseis 
stous knights ena shrubbery.

The Reverant
(Dimitris Stasinopoulos)

"Eimaste Mafiozoi.
 Mas xtipate, sas xtipame.
 Einai i douleia mas."

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