solved: Trexontas tin PostgreSQL kata tin ekkinisi

Batis bat_geor at
Wed May 2 22:38:01 EEST 2001

At 03:21 ìì 2/5/2001, you wrote:
>ginete amesa antilipto[0] oti prepei na pros8eseis se ena apo ta init
>scripts sou(px. rc.local[1]) kati san:
>su - postgres -c "/path/to/postmaster -postmaster_options" &

Doulepse mia xara, eyxaristw para poly.

.. Dimitris Batis ....................... bat_geor at ..
.. ....................................
.. ICQ: 18204204 .................... Yahoo! ID: deggial_wrath ..

"The road to truth is long, and lined the entire way with annoying bastards."
-- Alexander Jablokov, The place of no shadows

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