Cannot boot...To kerato mou.

NTG21 hatzibod at
Thu Mar 8 23:51:01 EET 2001

> 8a htan xrhsimo an edines perisoteres plhfories sxetika me to systhma sou
> epexergasth , motherboard , mnhmes (Mhz) , kai ton kernel pou trexeis
> kai tis ry8miseis tou.
> Dokimases na mpoutareis sto systhma auto Windows h allo pyrhna ,
> px na mpoutareis me ena bootcd mias dianomhs?

Exo motherboard soyo 5EHM ,AMD k6-2 3d @450MHz(bus 100Mhz),Mnimi apo
64-320MB(Exo 2 x64(100Mhz) kai 1x256(133Mhz) alla to provlima uparxei otan
vazo tin 256).Kernel 2.2.15(An thimamai kala.Exo na ton allaxo polu kairo).
Kai meta apo ola auta tha po kai to magiko.Ta windows gam***** kai auta.Kala
auta mou bgazoun mono windows protection error i kati tetoio.Asimanto.


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