QT 2.3.0 (odhgies engatastasis)

tOm_dR tdritsas at hellug.gr
Thu Mar 8 17:11:00 EET 2001

(apo to slashdot)
1. Get X 4.0.2 source or the snapshot. 4.0.2 has the rendering extention
necessary for AA'ed and RGB decimated fonts. Also get all the other
software - KDE 2.1, Qt 2.3.0, etc. You get the picture. Also, you MUST get
Freetype 2.0 source!

2. Build Freetype2. There's a little hack you must do here on some systems
for X to compile properly. In your /usr/local/include/freetype2 directory
(which is the default location for Ft2's headers), symlink ft2build.h to
freetype/config/ft2build.h. This many not be necessary on all systems... it
was for me. Minor problem.

3. THIS IS THE MOST IMPORTANT (HARD) PART! X configures itself rather
stupidly in most cases as far as we have seen. hosts.def overrides all these
annoying settings and lets you tweak precisely for your needs... so, let's
make sure it does it right. Create a new config/cf/hosts.def file in your
XFree86 source directory (commonly /usr/src/xc) - note that commented out
items are detected at compile time specifically for your platform:

#define DebuggableLibraries NO
#define SharedLibXdmGreet YES
#define LinkGLToUsrInclude YES
#define LinkGLToUsrLib YES
#define SharedLibFont YES
#define SharedLibXft YES
#define SharedLibXrender YES
#define HasZlib YES
/*#define SharedLibGlu NO*/
/*#define NormalLibGlu NO*/
/*#define FSUseSyslog YES */
/*#define HasKatmaiSupport NO */
#define HasAgpGart YES
#define HasMMXSupport YES
#define Has3DNowSupport YES
#define BuildGLULibrary YES
#define BuildXF86DRM YES
/* Tweak for your system or remove altogether.*/
#define DefaultGcc2i386Opt -O2 -fno-strength-reduce -mpentiumpro
#define JoystickSupport NO /* this appears to be broken */
#define XF86XAA YES
#define BuildFontServer YES
#define BuildFreeType YES
#define BuildXTrueType YES
#define BuildGlxExt YES
/*#define BuildDebug NO */
/*#define BuildXF86DRI NO*/
/*#define BuildXF86DRIDriverSupport NO*/
# define BuildRender YES
# define BuildGLXLibrary YES
# define BuildXvLibrary YES
# define BuildXF86DGALibrary YES
# define BuildXF86DGA YES
# define BuildXvExt YES
# define UsbMouseSupport NO /* this seems to be broken too */
/* Use this if we're going to use external Freetype2 libs instead..*/
#define Freetype2Dir /usr/local

4. Build X using a make World and make install (you can make logs of course
if you want). You may have some problems... they're usually pretty easy to
iron out - and I won't go into how here. Make sure you back up your existing
X11 binary tree.

5. Configure X... do the whole thing. Try starting X with the bare basics.
(Duh-step. :-)

6. If X is working, download this file...
...and extract it in /usr/X11R6/lib/X11/fonts

7. Download this file...
...edit it and copy it to /usr/X11R6/lib/X11

8. Start X again... this time, try to open an Xterm with the command:
xterm -fa courier
If the font is AA'ed... then BINGO! It works!

9. If you succeeded at 8, build Qt 2.3.0 and KDE 2.1 as you normally would.
Read the docs. And there you go! Have fun! AA'

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